You Are a Little Messy |
![]() You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob. You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done. Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes. You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule! |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Are you a slob??? ((C:

I'm feeling a little like Miss Peep today. My sheep - I mean comments have come home... I mean shown up! This morning all of a sudden I had 33 comments to moderate and I hadn't enabled comment moderation. I had it set up that I got an email each time someone commented. Anyway.... feel free to browse for comments now. They are all the way back to April 14th! I have no idea where my missing sheep.. there I go again.....comments went to for 11 days...Anyway, hopefully this issue is solved! I didn't know where to email for help Peter.... I'll have to find that 'help'.
Well I'm off to work again today. It looks like this merchandising job will be done about the 2nd of May. Then I'll be here home again. I think working in short temporary jobs is good to help one to be thankful for the blessings of being a SAHM!!!
You all have a great 'rest of the week'! lol....
Does anyone know what happened to Ginger at 'Just a Thought'?
When I go to her blog there is nothing there.......
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Coffee ~ Which one do you love?

Are you one of those people who needs a jump start every morning???
-Do you start your day AFTER that first cup of coffee? Or after that first POT of coffee??
-Do you stumble blindly to the kitchen and fumble around until you've managed to pull together the makings for a fresh pot of home brew... or just stumble down the hall with the aroma of fresh brewed coffee wafting out to meet you, thanks to your coffeemaker with the auto brew function?
What about the brand of coffee that you use? Is it the $3.99/lb. coffee, $15/lb specialty brand, or somewhere in between? Is it light roast, medium or dark roast? How do you drink it? Do you doctor it up by adding cream .... sugar....?
-How about those delightful flavourings in the bottle? MMMM yummy... French vanilla, English toffee, butternut, you name it.. If you've thought of it I'm sure someone's invented it!

-Then there's *Starbucks*! Or Tim Horton's if you're Canadian (there ARE a few in the US but I hear there aren't very many). So what about Starbucks and Timmies? What do you drink there?

-At Starbucks I drink a venti, no fat, triple shot, extra caramel, caramel macchiato...cha ching! This one costs about $5.40. I drink this one about once a month or less often than that.
-At Timmies I drink X large half coffee half French vanilla.. yum!! Much more affordable than the other one. This one costs $2.20. I usually drink this one about once a week or so.... more when I'm working....usually one a day then.

Well I have to admit that I've become somewhat dependent on the stuff. I was thinking about it recently and analyzing my coffee habit over the last several years.
When I was in my teens at home, we liked to drink strong tea with cream and sugar in it. Then I hit my older teens and started sipping the obnoxious drink because it was the social thing to do... my friends drank coffee. Then I hit my twenties and drank it for the energy... and still slightly for the social part of it. Well now that I'm into my thirties and on the downhill slope to forty.... I am now drinking it because I actually enjoy the TASTE!!! woohooo
Well here's to all you fellow coffee drinkers out there.... Drink up!!
I must confess.. I am not one of those stumblers in the morning.... I come out and put water on for tea.....I'm like you Peter...then once I leave the house I move to coffee....
BUT this all changes if someone other than me(hubby) makes coffee in the morning. Then I'll drink coffee. I've come to realize that I'm just a slacker when it comes to making coffee. Unless someone else makes it, I don't even drink coffee while at home! On the days when there's no coffee made, fairly often I'll stop at Tim's and pick up a 1/2 French vanilla
Saturday, April 21, 2007
It's Saturday!!!! yahoo!
Each morning I had to leave before the girls left for school. That was hard for me... I've always been home in the mornings and here when they get home from school.. other than the odd time. They walked to school each morning. Which was a good part of the whole thing. I've been wanting to get them walking to school for a while, but it's too convenient to drive them if I'm here. But they did really well. Everyone survived. Speaking of surviving - On the drive home Thursday, a pickup truck pulled out to pass me on a double solid line when there was oncoming traffic coming at us. I couldn't believe it!!??! I slammed my brakes on and pulled over as far as I could and I think the oncoming car did as well. He went by, between me and the oncoming car!!! Wow! talk about my angels being on guard! I was all weak in the knees and had tears come to my eyes... it scared me so bad. It is a fairly windy road and for the rest of the drive I watched him drive crazy...He was a few cars ahead of me and I saw him pull out to pass on a blind corner, then swerve back into his lane....I was sure wishing I had a cell phone with me! I remembered his license # but didn't write it down. Unfortunately when I got home it was gone. :( I didn't want to be one of those people that calls in a complaint and gives the vehicle description as a 'truck'... and when asked "what kind of truck?" answer with "ummm a black truck" Yeah so I didn't call. So I'm very thankful for God's protection!!
Well this weekend my hubby is driving a tour bus for the Girl Guides down to the Coast. So we'll see him tomorrow night.
Right away here, the girls and I are heading out to Okanagan Falls to see a horse, equipment and tack show. It should be fun! I wish I had my own camera....I'd love to get some pics.... I'll have to add that to my wish list! The one I occasionally use is Randal's work camera.... Maybe I'll start saving up for one. Anyway.. You all have a great weekend - I'm off to a horse show!

ta ta
It wasn't a horse "show" ~ it was an auction. It was something the kids have never seen before. I like for them to experience new things. I'm glad I did it because it was a real eye opener for them... Part way through the auction, Courtenay and I ran out to the store to get something for us all to eat. She said something like "these people are unbelievable." I didn't think there were people like this, for real!?!" I said to her that this was why I wanted her to come... so she could step out of the little box that we live in and see how some of the people around us live and that it's a culture that is right here that she didn't even know existed!
I thought they would really enjoy it and they did. There were a couple of protests at the beginning but it didn't take too long before all eyes were glued to the action on the auction floor! We got there just before noon and didn't leave until 5 o'clock!! We were all happy that we'd gone!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
"this" real mum~
This Real Mom:
1. taught/is teaching her kids how to do their own laundry because this real mum
can't 'do it all'.

2. gets her kids to clean their own room.

3. teaches her kids independence because learning to care for ones own things and ones self is very important for success in life.
4. loves to cuddle with her girls
5. loses her patience and sometimes yells.
6. has low energy days and the house falls apart.
7. loves to see her girls happy and enjoying life.
8. sometimes has to say no when her kids want to go to an event.
9. sticks to her guns when she has said no.
10. believes that a solid grounding in God's Word is important for her girls.
11. blogs when she should be housekeeping.... (c;
12. Likes to take her girls out for an occasional one on one time with mom.
13. loves hanging out at home with her girls...just spending time together.
14. loves the sound of her girls laughing!
15. loves it when her kids get along and play together nicely.
16. encourages her girls to do their best in whatever they're doing.
17. Is proud of the good choices that her girls make.
18. Is pleased to see the maturity her girls are attaining(in all aspects of their lives)!
19. loves to spontaneously jump in the van and go for a this Saturday...I'm hoping to jump in the van and go down to Oliver for a horse and tack sale.... just for the experience....but then that won't be spur of the moment - would it?!?
I could go on and on .......
So this is THIS real mum - in the one that I've copied from somewhere else.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Busy week here
I've got lunch for tomorrow in the oven. I made cornish pasties with leftover roast (venison). MMMM good! The kids (well maybe Dad more than the kids) are so excited because Mom rarely gets this creative. Hopefully they turn out nicely.
Well I hope you all have a good week....oh .. yes..I heard the news today of the University shooting in Virginia. That is so sad and so beyond comprehension! We need to be really praying for the families of those that were there. Especially that they will turn to Jesus for comfort and hope. I really hope that the Christian community there steps up to the plate and gets involved.
Well take care and God bless you all this week.
give your loved ones an extra squeeze!
We got started on painting the livingroom. We did one coat...phew.. what a job... our ceilings are vaulted, so I needed a tall helper..... good thing the girls are tall! (Dad too). We got one coat done and need to do one more. It will have to wait for the weekend.... I really love the colour. It's called bluffs. Descriptive hey! Doesn't that just give you a word picture!!?! Ummm no.... Just kidding.....It's about the colour of our clay bluffs around here's a warm sort of golden sand colour... I'm using black iron for accents along with red pillows and a painting for some interest..... Not your cup of tea hey Candy!! It's a big change from the pale pink that it used to be. Well... I'm off!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Birthday Meme--I've been Tagged!
Thanks Terri!!
1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthdate only -without the year:
August 12
2. List 3 events that occured that day:
A) 1851 - Isaac Singer granted a patent for his sewing machine
B)1952 - The Night of the Murdered Poets - Thirteen most prominent Jewish intellectuals were murdered in Moscow.
C)981 - Release of the IBM PC or Personal Computer
3. List 2 important birthdays:
A) 1762 - King George IV of the United Kingdom
B)1980 - Matt Thiessen, Canadian-born musician (Relient K) (one of my girls favourite Christian bands)
4. List 1 death:
A)1982 - Henry Fonda, American actor (b. 1905)
5. List a holiday or observance:
A) United Nations - International Youth Day (since 1999)
Kitty's Korner
Weaver Mom
Leigh Ann
Okay now I'm going to attempt the "real mum" meme... well later on.. this evening.
Have a great weekend!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
We go into Walmart, Zellers, London Drugs as well as many other drug/grocery stores and "reline" their cosmetic walls. The cosmetic companies hire our company to come in and do their merchandising, which includes taking most (and sometimes all) of the product down off the wall and rehanging it in a new position. We're doing a spring 'reline'. The companies come out with their new colours and products each spring and fall. So we're doing the "spring blitz". They're having trouble getting enough staff, so the days are long. We did a job on Monday that was 15 hours in the store, with a 31/2 hour drive home! That was a really long one but that has been the only one that's been that many hours. I'm amazed at how sore I was on Tuesday after the 15 hour day...going down to say goodnight when I got home at 130 am to my 13 year old was a hard one!! :oP
I talked about this a little bit in an older post called 'busy busy busy'. It is really physical work...
I like the sense of accomplishment though when you finish one of the company's relines and you stand back and have a look at how fresh and pretty it all looks. There are only about 3 weeks or so left before we'll be done.
The kids are home from school today. It's a Pro. development day for their teachers. So it's a day of laundry and general cleaning as I've been working for the last several days and things have fallen into a state of...umm....disorganization and mess!!!
Our 12 yr. old is going on a junior youth retreat this weekend, so we have to get her all set and ready to go for tonight, which includes washing her laundry and packing all her stuff.
Courtenay (13) wants us to start painting the livingroom today....We'll see how that goes. I have to get this laundry done, and also have to go do my card job at a dollar store. take Janelle to the dentist, and then drop Amanda off at the church at 4:30
Well toodloo
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Hmmmmm.... this is
I'm a Ferrari 360 Modena!

You've got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You're sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you're expensive and high-maintenance, but you're worth it.
"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Well I don't put too much stock in these tests... they actually make me laugh most of the time!!
A personality test...
I'm a Lifer!

To you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do.
Talent: 46%
Lifer: 56%
Mandarin: 41%
Take the Talent, Lifer, or Mandarin quiz.
This was fun... humour me and try it out!! Let me know if you do it, so I can pop over and check it out.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Another meme
1. When and where did you and your spouse meet? We met July 1st, 1989 (Canada Day) in Lloydminister, Alberta
2. How long have you been married? Almost 17 years!! wow! time flies!
3. How many children do you have? 4
4. What are the ages of your children? They are all about to turn or else have just turned. They are turning 9 real soon, 12, turning 14 in 41/2 months, and 15 in one month
5. How many Girls/Boys? 4 girls
6. What date is your birthday on? August 12/68

7. What is something you have always dreamt of doing? From the time I was about 4, I've dreamt of being a missionary to their souls/spirits as well as their physical bodies

8. What is a hobby/activity that you enjoy? I enjoy painting folk art styleand of course BLOGGING!!!
9. What is your favourite book of the Bible? Romans/Ruth
10. Favourite Bible character?Ruth
11. Something that you've learned this week? How to do a spring reline for Maybelline and L'Oreal on my own!
Well please answer the questions.... cuz I'd love to learn more about you too!!
Have a great Thursday!!! (c:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Good Friday
I was noticing the other night that once we get singing and stop trying so hard to make it work-we all just slide into our places without even realizing it. It's like getting the wagon wheels into the rut and then the wagon drives itself. We're singing a new song for Easter Sunday. It's called Redeemer and is written by Nicole Coleman Mullen. It's really beautiful. I've added it to my sidebar, but after listening to it now, it's a really bad rendition of it!! But it will sort of give you the idea of what it sounds like.....sort of... (C: My kids begged me to shut it off because they thought it sounded so horrible... Anyway... I'm behind on my don't really know what you've all been up to. Will probably have to wait til Saturday to catch up. Take care!!! :oD Heather
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I worked yesterday..... yes I know I'm supposed to be a SAHM..?! I have a one day a week job that I finish before the kids get home from school, but I also took a temporary job, merchandising. It is just a day or two a week until the end of April. It's the opportunity to get a little extra chunk of money for a few things we need and also the girls want to go to youth convention and some other youth things. So since I haven't let the older girls go to work yet, I'm going to make that extra bit we'll be needing. I told them that it's just about time now for them to start a little part time job.
Anyway must run... Have to get the girls up and at 'em for the day! You all have a great day!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Spinach Salad SUPREME!!! OOPS! check below for recipe correction!

My niece brought her mom's new recipe for spinach salad when she came up recently with Nana. We have had it a few times it is absolutely fabulous! So here's the recipe:
1 bag spinach
1 orange peeled and chopped small
1 cup mayonnaise (should be 1/4 c)
1 cup vanilla yogurt(should be 1/4 c) the only difference is you'd have lotsa dressing left!
1/4 tsp poppy seeds
Put cleaned spinach into bowl and toss with the orange. Mix next 3 ingredients together and toss with the spinach. Serve immediately. I recommend that you mix the dressing up and let it sit in the fridge for an hour or two. Serves 4-6
When we make it we keep the dressing separate in case we don't eat it all. That way it won't go limp and soggy. Hope you give it a try - It's amazing!