A big thank you to Leigh Ann, from Learning to Live and Living to Learn, for the "you make me smile"award. It was sweet of you to mention me in your blog Leigh Ann...thanks! ♥♥ Now... I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be passing this on to some of MY bloggy buddies that make me grin. Well this really shouldn't be too difficult to come up with 10 of you as I enjoy reading sooo many! My girls are amazed at the number I have bookmarked in my "favourites"! "MOM...do you read ALL those blogs?!?" is something that I've heard more than once. =)
So without further ado.....I give you:
1~Mighty Mom...she makes me smile because of her incredible patience and good attitudes with her little sweetie pies that love to mattress surf, curtain climb...etc! She keeps me entertained with these tales of adventure!
2~Leigh Ann...her posts are always full of wit, cute little munchkins and yummy foods! I feel her warmth every time I open her site.
3~Terri makes me grin in envy at the beautiful scenery of her new Alaskan home. Her kids are pretty entertaining too! I liked Izzaks eagle outfit. :) She's an encouragement to me as well.
4~ Christie has been fun to visit over the last while as she waited for hubby to return from Iraq. I've really enjoyed hearing about her new home decorating and also am SO glad that she was able to find a nice medic alert bracelet!!! ;0) You're welcome Jason!!!
5~Amy keeps me smilin' with her stories of life on the farm...the life I'd love to be living!(I'm extremely grateful for the life I'm living, the family and home that I have but if it were an option I'd pick farm life) Her posts are often full of humour, sometimes serious, but always a fun read.
6~Ginger keeps me informed of what my life will be like in the future...she has girls, (about 10 yrs older than mine)like I do. I love her inspirational and encouraging posts...she's a real gem.
7~Lori makes me smile with all the pretty things she does in her home. Her children are just the sweetest little gems too!
8~Candy keeps me smiling as I read her posts and see the kindness and gentleness that makes up who she is...a kind, gentle, caring, giving lady.
9~WeaverMom...keeps me engaged with her interesting home school posts and great pictures of Punkin and Snugbug! Congrats to Punkin on mastering a two wheeler without training wheels!!! Yahoooooo!!!!
10~And last but definitely not least!!~Rita, over at Jungle Hut, keeps me smiling...errr....grimacing with her stories of life in the jungle....gotta love those army ants, the lice, the taste bud tempting termites and we can't leave out those incredible "24" ants...hop on over if you're curious!
Now there are many more than 10 of you wonderful people out there that make me grin...and sometimes cry...and generally keep me entertained....my family fed with new and interesting recipes..etc, etc!! There are just too many of you to fit in...so here are a few of you..
Thanks again to Leigh Ann... you inspired me to get busy and do some real posting! Thank you to all of you for letting me in to enjoy your day to day lives! I miss you all when I'm busy and don't get to reading up on what you've all been up to!!
take care
I know you're all not used to me posting more than once a month these days, so scroll down...I did TWO days in a row!!! I know I know...I'm just amazing!!!