Monday, November 24, 2008

Another day at the Zoo.

Well this morning was spent chasing paperwork around town. My first stop was at the police station. Randal and I are both required to have a criminal check, a vulnerability report, and fingerprints done. So as I stood with the policeman holding my hands with black ink on them I told him that I never thought that I'd ever be standing in a police station having my fingerprints taken! He chuckled..and said "well this isn't bad unless you come in the back door!" He was really nice and waived most of the fees for the three things I had done because we are adopting. He only charged me $15 for the fingerprints! I was SO happy to hear him say that. He was very helpful and made my visit very pleasant. He told me to go have a seat and he would do my criminal check while I waited so that we wouldn't have any delays!
I then headed for my next stop and had a very important thing done! My eyebrows!! :P My next stop was the drugstore for a passport photo and one canNOT have one of those done with big bushy brows!! :-D I then got the photo done..for a great price too! -$9.99! I picked up passport applications and lunch and headed to Randal's office to have lunch with him and give him the forms...It was a nice little visit that we don't often get to enjoy in the middle of the day.
So this was my first day of many to come (me thinks!) spent running around with paperwork.

Well will keep you posted on the journey. Have a great evening.
