Thursday, April 5, 2007

Good Friday

Well tomorrow is Good Friday. Are you doing anything? Such as a church service? We're going to a service at our church tomorrow morning at 10:30. I'll be singing on the worship team. I'll also be singing on the team on Sunday. I'm excited about it. I'll be singing with two of my girlfriends. We've been singing together for probably more than ten years! After that many years it's like putting on a comfortable sweater. We love worshiping together!!
I was noticing the other night that once we get singing and stop trying so hard to make it work-we all just slide into our places without even realizing it. It's like getting the wagon wheels into the rut and then the wagon drives itself. We're singing a new song for Easter Sunday. It's called Redeemer and is written by Nicole Coleman Mullen. It's really beautiful. I've added it to my sidebar, but after listening to it now, it's a really bad rendition of it!! But it will sort of give you the idea of what it sounds like.....sort of... (C: My kids begged me to shut it off because they thought it sounded so horrible... Anyway... I'm behind on my don't really know what you've all been up to. Will probably have to wait til Saturday to catch up. Take care!!! :oD Heather