Wednesday, April 4, 2007


I'm just doing a real quick post. I've been really busy and haven't had a chance for the last few days. The turkey dinner went great. I think the aunties all had a good time and enjoyed dinner. We sure enjoyed having them. Of course there was lots leftover so we had turkey and lettuce wraps for lunch yesterday. YUMM!!
I worked yesterday..... yes I know I'm supposed to be a SAHM..?! I have a one day a week job that I finish before the kids get home from school, but I also took a temporary job, merchandising. It is just a day or two a week until the end of April. It's the opportunity to get a little extra chunk of money for a few things we need and also the girls want to go to youth convention and some other youth things. So since I haven't let the older girls go to work yet, I'm going to make that extra bit we'll be needing. I told them that it's just about time now for them to start a little part time job.
Anyway must run... Have to get the girls up and at 'em for the day! You all have a great day!


Candy said...

Have a great day too Heather :)

Lori said...

I know what you mean by it's nice to have that extra chunk of money for purchasing things.

That's why I like my Mr. Movies job and my kids that I have come here for daycare. It's sure nice to have the extra money. I've done lots with it.

Anonymous said...

I was working part time for a couple of years, too, and it WAS really busy!! I left in July when I got pregnant, but we still haven't quite adjusted to less money. I'm trying to think of some ways to earn a little extra money while staying with my baby... my Proverbs 31 contribution, you might say!!! There really are so many good things for the kids to get involved in, but they are expensive!!!

my4kids said...

It's nice to have little extra chunk before the summer also. Gives you some more money to play with.

Heather K said...

Yes.... the other thing is we need to replace the flooring in our house, paint the whole house, do some renovating in the bathrooms... such as change the fixtures... tub, toilet and sink. They are probably the original ones from 1964 when the house was built. So the extra chunk will be nice. Something else I'd like to do is change the pool from a regular chlorine pool to a salt water pool. It is way cheaper to run as well, it is easier to keep clean or so I've been told. Another benefit is that it isn't so hard on your skin and eyes and your swimsuits don't wear out so fast....anyway...take care
thanks for the visits. (c: