Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Are you a slob??? ((C:

Hmmm..... well I guess this is pretty accurate... I hate a mess but just can't seem to get it together organizationally! I find it hard to organize myself nevermind 6 of us!!! Oh well... what can I say??? (I found this on Ginger's blog and thought it would be fun to try... so here goes!)

You Are a Little Messy

You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.
You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.
Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.
You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!


my4kids said...

Accordign to the quiz I am a little messy also. I don't know about that. I am not a slob but a little more then a little messy.

Portrait of Peter said...

One is tempted to try the quiz - but concerned as the outcome!!

Wonderful reading and a creative idea.

weavermom said...

This was my result too. :) And I'm with "my4kids" - I'm not sure I would describe my house as a "little" messy. It's ok on the cleanliness scale, but the clutter scale - not so much!!! :)

Lori said...

I did this one too. I turned out I am very organized / clean.

Heather K said...

well Lori... You're what I wish I was...but I guess wishing' isn't enough!!! lol...come on Peter... take the test!!..my4 and weaver you guys sound like me.... cleanliness is fine... it's the clutter that gets to me.... everyone just kinda drops whatever they have wherever they happen to be and pretty soon it's a total disaster!

Anonymous said...

Heather, I really believe your description is more accurate of who I really am. I have issues with piles of stuff that just never finds a home. I try to be organized and tidy, but hey, you do have to live in your home. It's not a show place. I like a clean house, but it is our home and we DO live in it. Sometimes I just stress too much over silly stuff. I find some areas I get really overboard about while other areas I just let go forever...

Silly quizzzzzzzzz!!!!

Lori said...

I have the clutter too. I have kids that just drop their coats, shoes, bags, clothes too. Plus all those paper piles.
So of coarse my house isn't perfect.

I do try to keep it pretty clean though.

Christie Belle said...

LOL...I'm laughing at this one because my results were pretty dead on...mine says:
You're so clean, people have accused you of being a clean freak!
You like things tidy, organized, and smelling fresh.
Messes drive you crazy, especially when you didn't make them.
It's hard for you to live with a slob - or someone who leaves their dishes in the sink.

My sister sometimes compares me to Monica from Friends (have you ever watched that show?) I'm really not as bad as her, but I am somewhat of a drives her crazy b/c we are complete opposites!

Heather K said...

Yes I've watched Friends... but I don't remember Monica being like that... it's been a long time since I've seen that show...but i understand what you're saying

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I am like Monica!! I am obsessive about things being clean and organized, but do you remember the episode where Chandler found her "closet," which was crammed FULL of messy stuff? I have one of those, too... :-) I am off to take this and see my official result!!