This past weekend we spent with with my brother who came up from the coast. We went down to a little town a bit south of us and spent the day doing "the tourist thing." We meet at a beach park and visited there for a while. My nephew, Zachary, plays football so we brought one along and got a bit of a game going.
Rob and Charlene and their kids Karlin, Meg, and Zach. The eldest daughter, Alysha, wasn't up this trip.
Foolin' Around
We then went for a walk down to the old train tressel. It's been converted into a bridge that is part of the KVR trail that runs from town through town throughout the Okanagan.
A pond along the way
An Okanagan View
Some of the kids braved the chilly waters... I love Lindsay's facial expression here :-)
Later we visited TickleBerries, a rather famous stop for ice-cream here. After we braved the long lines we sat outside on picnic tables beside a creek.
I love this picture.
Janelle and Karlin playing in the creek.
And that's all for now! Have a fabulous rest of the week!
Just Kidding! Did I fool you? I talked like her and from her point of view, but this is Courtenay, hence any mistakes that were most likely made. Mom let me write her blog today. Have a nice day! =)
July 1st, Canada day was a quiet day at home until late afternoon. We joined some friends at the beach for a few hours, went to their house for supper and then back to the beach for some fireworks. They were great fireworks..especially for a small town of 10,000!
The bunch "racing" to the water.
Looks like Lindsay is in the lead!
hmmmm...hard to tell the winner now!
Courtenay and friends standing in the water in their clothes... :P
Last Wednesday, the girls and I packed up and headed to camp for 4 days. We returned Sunday night. My girlfriend, Brenda, has taken the job of camp cook, for the summer, at a church camp in the mountains. It's about 3 or 4 hours from here. We went along to help her get things up and running in the kitchen. The older girls did a bit of cabin cleaning too. There is so much to tell you about that I'm not sure where to start...maybe the beginning would be good! Being silly in the restaurant before we got to the camp
We arrived on Wednesday around supper time. We ate in town before heading out to the camp. When we got there we found the kitchen had been taken over by the in mice and rats. The camp had been closed down for 3 yes the critters took over!! A lady had been there for several days ahead of us cleaning so it wasn't as bad as it had been. Anything that was not in a sealed bin had been invaded by little mice crawling all through, over and under it...leaving plenty of evidence of their passing! :x Shopping for camp food
We ate in town for the first couple of days. We did eventually get everything clean and mouse poison out to get rid of the mice. We also got the first delivery of food unpacked and into sealed bins and the walk in fridge and freezer. One night we made the mistake of leaving a bag of recyclables out by the back door. A raccoon had a heyday ripping it all open and getting into it. Altho he would have been disappointed to find only packaging. He also left his little "hand" prints on my windshield. The girls had a fun time of kayaaking and canoing. I also got out in the canoe once. The lake was so pretty! It isn't a really deep lake so it was a lovely warm temperature. The girls spent quite a bit of time swimming in it. Unfortunately the girls woke up on the last morning all covered in "swimmers itch"...some more so than others. It was nice to get away, but, I found the mountains to be very close and claustrophobic feeling, so I was really ready to get out of there and get home to our lovely wide open valley. It was great to spend some time with my girlfriend and her girls! It isn't something we've done before. On the way home we went to Brenda's parents home for a BBQ. It was really nice to be in a home after a few days at camp! I'll leave you with some photos of our time there. I hope you enjoy the pics! Heather