Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sooo...... which one is NOT true... which ones are true?

okay Momma Roar did this post and so thought I'd play along and fill up some space! :oD

I've listed 9 things about me... all true but one... you tell me which one you think isn't true!
Let's see how well you know me! :oD

1. I got married on my 20th birthday.

2.I have 4 children.

3. I rode my horse in the house when I was a kid.

4. I've had a job where I lit fires in the forest.

5. I'm the only girl out of six children.

6. We have a swimming pool in our backyard.

7. I am a stay at home mom.

8. My favourite drink is water.

9. My oldest daughter is 15.

Okay.... go ahead and make a guess.... which one isn't true....?? I'll post the answers in the next day or two....


my4kids said...

Okay so 3 seems like the obvious one but makes me think its true.....I don't know. I know some of the true ones though....that would have been easier but for now I'll stick to 3.

Momma Roar said...

Ok, this is a little are a stay at home mom, but you do some work on the side - but since the majority of your time (and your heart) are at home, I'm going to go with #5.

Debbie said...

This is my first time visiting so I don't know very much about you. I read your profile and you said you've been married for almost 17 years and you're 38 years old. That would mean you got married when you were 21 or 22. So, I'm guessing #1 isn't true...Unless, of course, you haven't updated your profile in awhile!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :0)

Julieann said...

hmmm, this is hard---Number 8 maybe?

Julieann :)

P.S. I tagged you at my blog:)

Portrait of Peter said...

I say Number (3) - although it depends if it was a horse or a pony - I guess??

I am intrigued!!

Anonymous said...

I know you consider yourself a SAHM, but you work sometimes. I think you were married after you were 20....hmmm by just a bit, 21 maybe? That's my guess. :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am going to say that your favorite drink is NOT water, I think it's... COFFEE!!!! Although, since it's summer, you might like water a little more than usual. But I'm still gonna say it's not water. I'm probably going to do this one too, today or tomorrow!! :-)