Thursday, March 1, 2007

Trust Me......

I will bless you and multiply your family,
keeping my covenant of
love with you.

Don't let anxiety steal your joy:
tell Me your worries

and needs and thank me in advance.

As you pray, you’ll find that

My incomparable peace overshadows

All of your problems and insecurities.

Always be content with what you have,

Knowing that I’ll never leave or abandon you.

I’ll supply all your need,

According to My endless riches in glory.

Faithfully providing,

-Your Prince of Peace

-from Deut. John, Pil. and Heb.

-compiled in Hugs for Moms

1 comment:

Candy said...

Wow, I love this!!!

BTW--thanks for the comment on my blog...that was hilarious what you did to you hair too. Too funny! ;)