Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Expanded Blog Roll

I came to the conclusion today that it would be easier to list all your blogs on my blog. This way I won't have to go to my bookmarks to find your blogs. So have a look and see if you're listed. Some of them are people that visit my blog and comment and some of them are just blogs that I like to read each day. The other thing is... if you don't see your name listed there and you'd like to be, just let me know and I'll add you.
I see by my visitor count that there are lots of visitors that don't comment.... sooo maybe you are one of those lurkers.... have a look you just may find your blog listed there! By the way....the reason I have the visitor counter is to satisfy my curiosity about where my visitors are coming from...not really to keep the count...So thanks for dropping by..... it's fun to learn about each others lives... maybe tomorrow I'll get to that meme about myself that I'm planning to do.


my4kids said...

I get a lot of views also but not as many comments. Also the reason I have my counter is to see where people are comming from also. It can be weird though because some come from google searches and they put strange things in there that find me.

Heather K said...

How do you know about the google search? Is that info on the counter site?

Lori said...

You can add my name to your blog roll if you like.
I've added you to mine. I hope that is ok.

Heather K said...

Hi Lori
Yes that's great thanks! This is the reason I said that about letting me know... because there are some that I like to read and don't have them saved. I go to them from the other bogs I read... thanks! (C:

Candy said...

Im glad to be on your blog roll :)
YOu will be on mine too (for sure) once mine is made. I dont know how to do it right now myself.
I just got a site meter yesterday too! Same reason.