This truck is spraying water on the fire right behind the Safe*way store. It looks like they may actually be spraying the store down rather than just the building on fire...not sure though.

The complex wasn't finished yet so there were no residents in danger but the shopping center next door was very much in danger of being burned to the ground, as you can see in some of the pictures! The little strip mall was evacuated as well as adjacent neighbours. We could see these building from our livingroom windows but it was far enough away(about 2 blocks) that we weren't in any danger.

The fire department was at a fire about 2 blocks away when they were called to
this fire. It is looking very suspicious...and the rumour mill tells me that they have two youths in custody. Blogger is being annoying now and won't let me post more pictures. I have one from the front of the grocery store...it's an amazing sight! It looks like the store is on fire because the flames behind it are 3 or 4 times the height of the store!

Wow! Pretty amazing pictures - did you take those??
I'm glad you are ok and that no one was living in the retirement complex yet.
We heard about it. It was across from our brother in laws parents condo. So scary! There have been alot of fires around here lately too and unfortunately we have a good view of them and all the flashing lights etc...
oops! I forgot to NOT take credit for the pictures. I found them on a local news website. I'll have to go in and do that now!
Those are very scary pictures, I'm glad no one was hurt!
P.s I sent you an email with some water garden info. :0)
Pretty scary situation, and the photos are great (even if you didn't take them .. you posted them on your blog, take credit for that LOL).
Hope you are well, and keeping out of mischief !!
Take care, Meow
It does look really horrific and one is just so relieved the Retirement Complex was not occupied.
Arsonists of any age - really do cause not only financial stress but the heartache of losing property and possible life - is beyond explanation of their deplorable actions..
I hope the police have in custody those offenders and sentence is one of custodial.
** As you can see I have returned to 'blogpsot' with my head bowed - as I realise the errors of my ways... is forgiveness possible???
Hi Heather,
Spoke to Connie today and she mentioned you were asking after me! Sorry I haven't been intouch for a while I promise to send you an email real soon. I just don't get much spare time to go on the computer. I hope that you and your family are all well. Love the new look of your blog and loved the photos of the fire, it must of been scary being so close to it.
Take Care Luv from me in Oz.
Fires are very sad for so many people they always disrupt things for a lot of people.
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