Thursday, October 11, 2007

North American Union...???

Okay my blogger friends I know I'm NOT a political kind of person, normally but this really caught my attention. Has anyone heard of this?? What do you it legitimate??? It does sound like it is...
Please tell me what your thoughts are on this one.


candy said...

I got this one sent to my Facebook..
Interesting isnt it..

my4kids said...

It is interesting and to a degree I do think some of it is legitimate. My main issue was the part where they were saying that 9/11 was fake or staged, basically saying the government did it or allowed it to happen. I have a big problem with that. I have heard of the North American Union before and it starts out with making it easier to pass through the borders. Which is weird since at the same time the lawmakers are doing things to make it more difficult. I'll have to show this to the hubby and see what he thinks. He pays more attention to political things then I do. He was just talking the other night about how Canada and the US were going to be one country someday I'll have to find out why he was saying that though. So I'll either email you with his thoughts or put it in your comments later tonight, okay?

Anonymous said...

The 'Matrix' - has yet to become a reality - or has it already been achieved......